ideal preferences


    Long ago, in 1992, my mother gave me an 8mm movie camera, and I fell in love with its magic.



   We all know that the masterpieces of American filmmakers were shot on film. Whether we watch "Home Alone 2" during Christmas or delve into the works of Tarantino, Spielberg, or Scorsese when we crave something different, few realize that most films were shot on celluloid—substance made from cows.



   Yes, laugh if you must; this living material, from which film is made, can preserve frames for decades, now digitized into formats like 4K or 6.5K, making it seem as if these films were shot yesterday.



   Take "Gone with the Wind," for example. Worldwide, there are vaults where the first copies of Hollywood's finest films—Kubrick's, Hitchcock's, Chaplin's—are securely stored. Their quality, like that of documentaries about New York in 1893, remains timeless.



  Thanks to modern scanners, we can explore eras long gone and immerse ourselves in the magic of cinema and history. No digital medium can replicate the warm, lamp-like tone of Kodak film, its graininess, and color.

Yes, shooting digitally is easier and quicker, but film itself is costly, needing development and scanning in laboratories afterward. Yet the joy of receiving that coveted scan is incomparable.



KRASNOGORSK - 3 (K3) - SUPER 16 mm


Beaulieu 4008 ZM II - SUPER 8 mm


Examples of flawless camera work 

Beaulieu 4008 ZM II  and Krasnogorsk - 3



I wasn't an exception; I acquired two movie cameras. The first, a 1975 Beaulieu 4008 ZM II , is in pristine condition and is considered the best among professional Super 8 format cameras according to Google.




I also acquired a unique Krasnogorsk - 3  camera that shoots in Super 16 format. Of course, I integrated these into wedding shoots. I aim to blend digital and analog images to realize ideas and enhance the naturalness of wedding films and music videos.




It's no secret that Kodak discontinued film production for a period, but thanks to Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, and their preference for Kodak film, its production resumed. Now, Kodak produces Super 8mm and Super 16mm films again.




I introduced shooting with these cameras into wedding packages to help you experience the vintage vibe that combines modern shooting with results reminiscent of 50s style in America.



I am confident that this approach within my work will yield results and attract many admirers.




I just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan of film. After all, its enthusiasts include world-renowned directors. However, I specialize in shooting wedding films and I really want some of that cinema magic you see in theaters to find its way into your films.



Just imagine: when the Christmas lights are glowing, snow is falling, and you're all gathered by the fireplace as a family, deciding to watch your wedding film, and this miracle becomes possible. Whether on a huge TV screen or a projector — by the way, I recommend watching on a digital projector and a white wall to recreate the crackling of a film projector from the attic of your parents' home, just like in the old days.



Sip hot drinks, cuddle your beloved wife, and simply watch this.



And the fireplace will warm you with its heat and the gentle flicker of its flames.



We use the latest KODAK VISION 3 film, cameras fully serviced by renowned masters from Los Angeles, and exclusively shoot on negative.



I also want to announce that the position in our wedding packages will become more valuable. I'm here for the long haul and want this to be a cool investment in your story.



Photography is beautiful, but it's just one frame and an album that often isn't convenient to look through. The magic of cinema is always about young and beautiful people captured at their best.



Take care of yourselves and your families, book your wedding dates, and together we'll create your personal masterpiece.



Sending hugs, Kosta